Whatsup Guys? Junkyard Has An Announcement For You!

Whatsup people? Did you know that Junkyard Rock Stories opened up a WhatsApp and Telegram channels. Yes, we did it, and here is why!

You know how social media works these days. You know how many crappy things you need to see out there that you never opted to follow or were never even interested in before you can see at least something that you genuinely care about.

The channels, pages, and profiles, even your friends that you wanted to follow are nowhere to be found, right? Or maybe, you haven’t liked or engaged with them once or twice, and that’s it. The algorithm thinks you don’t like them and will never ever show them to you again. Instead, you’ll see an ad for a detergent or something like that. That is so lame and unacceptable.

So you are probably very tired of this, and so are we. We are very tired of fighting this battle that we can’t win and never could. We tried (link in comments, link in bio, blah, blah, blah), but it just doesn’t help much.

We want our posts to be seen by friends who clicked or tapped the Follow button. This is the only reason why we decided to do this. Will it be a success? Who knows, but we need to try. So head over to WhatsApp or Telegram using these links, and follow and join our channels.

What you’ll get there is a feed with all our posts, articles, and stories. If you put it on Mute Mode, it won’t bother you, and it won’t show up on your phone screens as notifications. But it will be there for you to see when it suits you best, like when you check messages from your friends or updates from other channels. It’s simple, clean, and fast.

Thank in advance guys and see you there!

Junkyard Rock Stories on




‎Or you can scan the code down there to enter the Telegram channel.

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