How Many Times Can You Reheat a Song? David Coverdale Knows!
David Coverdale is re-releasing again. How many times have I written this sentence on this website? I don’t know because I haven’t really counted. But what I have counted is the number of CDs released in such reissues from 2015 until today. The result gives us a whopping number—one that is very high, even though we didn’t count LP records, Blu-rays, DVDs, and other formats.
To see the actual number, I am afraid you need to watch the video below!
Without further explanation, let’s dive deep into David Coverdale’s habit of repackaging and ‘re-heating’ the same songs year after year—re-heating, as in warming up your leftovers from the day before!
And yes, just to be a bit professional: The newest re-heated release is called All Areas Access: It includes 8 CDs of live concerts (that we already have, know, heard, saw), and it will be available on April 25th.
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