Mystery Solved: Crazy Lixx Announces New Drummer

After teasing some pictures on their social profiles recently, Crazy Lixx has officially announced the new member of the bend. The spot behind the drums had been vacant since March of this year, and right now as it is finally filled, the mystery behind is also solved!

Here’s what was said on the band’s official pages:

“Well, we’ve been teasing it and you’ve all been guessing for a while now (and a lot of you got it right), but now with our latest video release I don’t think there’s much more to do than to stop with the secrecy and finally give a huge welcome to the latest addition to the Crazy Lixx lineup: Mr Robin Nilsson on the drums!

Robin is of course known for his insane drumming in the Swedish sleaze metal act ‘The Cruel Intentions’ (no, don’t worry, he will not give up his duties with TCI), and for joining ‘Eclipse’ as a tour stand in. He is a solid musician, with a shared passion and love for all the things Crazy Lixx stands for, and on top of that a really down to earth guy. We are very happy and excited to welcome him to the band and we hope all of our fans will do the same!

Make him feel welcome in the comments below ladies and gents!🤘😎🤘”

Earlier this week Crazy Lixx released a brand new songs “Little Miss Dangerous”.

Vocalist Danny Rexon commented on the release: “We’re bringing you another brand new rocking single, and this time it’s the first ever song to be fully co-written by myself and bass player Jens Anderson. In addition to that, it’s the longest song we’ve ever released as a single (with its 6+ minute runtime) and I feel like it has a few elements and an overall feeling that’s a bit different compared to a lot of our previous stuff.”

“I personally love the song and can’t wait to see what people’s reactions are going to be. And no, it’s not a cover of the 1986 Ted Nugent song of the same name, but by the sound of it, ours could very well have been released in 1986 in fit in like a glove”
, adds Rexon.

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