Is ‘The General’ really the heaviest Guns N’ Roses song?

In August of this year, news spread throughout the rock and metal world that the new Guns N’ Roses song, ‘The General,’ might be one of the heaviest songs they’ve ever produced. We also reported on this back than. Apparently, it was Sebastian Bach who first mentioned this particular song back in 2007, describing it as one of the heaviest tracks ever recorded by GnR.
The General” has sparked discussions involving former GnR drummer Brain, who was actively engaged in the songwriting process. Additionally, Sebastian Bach delved into this track back in 2007, mentioning in an interview with Metal Edge that it stood as his favorite new GnR composition. Describing it as the heaviest offering Axl Rose has ventured into, the song boasts slow and grinding riffs coupled with soaring, intense vocals. Bach suggested that “The General” might potentially be intended as a sequel to “Estranged,” adding another layer of intrigue to the forthcoming release.
Now, we’ve finally had the chance to hear the song, as the band debuted it live on November 2nd at the Hollywood Bowl in Los Angeles. Although we only have fan-made videos to analyze, it can be clearly concluded whether ‘The General’ is indeed the heaviest song ever produced by Guns N’ Roses.
So, what do you think? Is it, or is it not?
What is heavy anyway?
Could it truly be a sequel to ‘Estranged’?
Or should we simply wait for the official audio release that may come in the near future?
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