Old-New Ratt Song “Reach For The Sky” Is Being Released on Vinyl

The old-new previously unreleased Ratt track “Reach For The Sky” is being released on vinyl along with the 40th anniversary Out Of The Cellar album.

The New RATT single “Reach for the Sky” being released with the debut “OOTC” rerelease isn’t coincidentle (40) years later 1984-2024 on the anniversary of the albums debut. Speculation that the song Pearcy say’s; “We played “Reach for the Sky” in our live set in 1982-83 right along side with “Round”, “Morning After”. It was only appropriate to release it. I knew we had the song. It was kinda like it was supposed to go down this way for the anniversary.

It sounds pretty good decades later, the guitars hold up. Remember, you gotta take yourself back to the whole 1984 scene and get the full vibe of the #sunsetstripexperience. The “Out of the Cellar” songs that made it on record in 1984, is what ya get again with “Reach for the Sky”. I know brother Robbin “King” Crosby is smiling about it, pretty much arranged and was his, he always loved the song”.
Maybe you might hear it live in the Solo set before the years out, who knows. Next!

Says the official Ratt Facebook page!

The album release date is October 25th and you can pre-order it here.

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